Wiki outdated?
Rajaniemi Jaakko
2014-08-22 08:28:43 UTC

It may be the holiday season because of no one has answered to your mail yet :)

I also think that wiki should be the central place. I don't who can edit the wiki but it needs clean up. I could also do some editing, for example add some new Open311 cities to the list (Lisbon: http://tourism.citysdk.eu/open311/ and Lamia: https://participation.citysdk.lamia-city.gr/rest )

GeoReport v2 is the latest stable release. There has been some talks to developed new version but so far it has not started. I don't know the status of inquiry API.

There has been a lot discussion on discovery but no conclusion or standard. Some app developers have their own discovery apis. And as you mentioned CitySDK, they also have developed one.

Anyway, good to hear that you are interested in implementing Open311 API. Let us know if you need any help.

Regards from Helsinki, Jaakko

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: discuss-ZwoEplunGu2DGPZahCzKrdi2O/***@public.gmane.org [mailto:discuss-ZwoEplunGu2DGPZahCzKrdi2O/***@public.gmane.org] Puolesta Matthias Meisser
Lähetetty: 12. elokuuta 2014 11:09
Vastaanottaja: discuss-ZwoEplunGu2DGPZahCzKrdi2O/***@public.gmane.org
Aihe: [Open311 Discuss] Wiki outdated?

Hi there,

this is Matthias, I work at the local municipal at the city of Rostock (North Germany) and we consider to implement Open311/CitySDK to our participatory platform www.klarschiff-hro.de

While I'm checking the wiki and informations out there, I got the impression that the articles, links etc. are very outdated and so maybe there are new specs out there?

So my questions:

- Should the wiki become the central place for information about API etc? (IMHO: yes)

- Can I help to cleanup the wiki?

- Are GeoReport v2 and Inquiry v1 the latest stable APIs specs?

- Is there currently an approach to find the corresponding API endpoint for a location? So mobile Apps can tune theirself and detect the right endpoint for their current position? I guess similar like a Web Catalogue Service for classic GIS?
AFAIK the currend service discovery doesn't include that aspect already?

regards from Germany,

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Kam Lasater
2014-08-22 12:06:18 UTC

I've been away on summer holiday at least :)

I believe that Phil Ashlock has edit permissions on the wiki.

On discovery I thought we had a standard. Probably could use some work but
thought it was standard.

Hope that helps.

-Kam Lasater
203-752-0777 (office)

http://SeeClickFix.com <http://seeclickfix.com/> - User Focused Government
- Check it out and report an issue in your neighborhood. Power to the
Post by Rajaniemi Jaakko
It may be the holiday season because of no one has answered to your mail yet :)
I also think that wiki should be the central place. I don't who can edit
the wiki but it needs clean up. I could also do some editing, for example
https://participation.citysdk.lamia-city.gr/rest )
GeoReport v2 is the latest stable release. There has been some talks to
developed new version but so far it has not started. I don't know the
status of inquiry API.
There has been a lot discussion on discovery but no conclusion or
standard. Some app developers have their own discovery apis. And as you
mentioned CitySDK, they also have developed one.
Anyway, good to hear that you are interested in implementing Open311 API.
Let us know if you need any help.
Regards from Helsinki, Jaakko
-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Puolesta Matthias Meisser
Lähetetty: 12. elokuuta 2014 11:09
Aihe: [Open311 Discuss] Wiki outdated?
Hi there,
this is Matthias, I work at the local municipal at the city of Rostock
(North Germany) and we consider to implement Open311/CitySDK to our
participatory platform www.klarschiff-hro.de
While I'm checking the wiki and informations out there, I got the
impression that the articles, links etc. are very outdated and so maybe
there are new specs out there?
- Should the wiki become the central place for information about API etc? (IMHO: yes)
- Can I help to cleanup the wiki?
- Are GeoReport v2 and Inquiry v1 the latest stable APIs specs?
- Is there currently an approach to find the corresponding API endpoint
for a location? So mobile Apps can tune theirself and detect the right
endpoint for their current position? I guess similar like a Web Catalogue
Service for classic GIS?
AFAIK the currend service discovery doesn't include that aspect already?
regards from Germany,
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Philip Ashlock
2014-08-25 03:34:08 UTC
Sorry for the slow response. Yes, I can confirm again that the wiki should
be the canonical central place for the spec. GeoReport v2 is the latest
stable spec for service requests, but Inquiry v1 is still more of a
proposal. Unfortunately I had to disable new user accounts on the wiki
because we were losing the battle against spam. I'm planning to migrate the
management of the wiki over to github, but the URLs for the spec and the
wiki will always remain consistent regardless of the backend system. Until
we can edit everything via github, you can just ask me to make the edit or
submit an issue to https://github.com/open311/wiki.open311.org/issues

You're correct that there is a spec for service discovery (
http://wiki.open311.org/Service_Discovery) but unfortunately we've yet to
provide a full spec or system for making that available via geospatial
queries. There have been a few proposals and proof of concepts (e.g.
http://wiki.open311.org/GeoWeb_DNS) but nothing has been finalized yet. Do
you know of any related initiatives where this would be applicable in
Europe? I've been discussing it a bit in the U.S. where there's some
related work being developed for emergency services.

I added Gießen and Lisboa to the servers list, but I didn't see a discovery
file for Lamia. I can add it anyway, but it would be nice to have a
discovery file to list as well. Zaragoza looks like the same case. I'll
work on adding a new column for documentation associated with endpoints
since there's only so much included in the discovery files. I'd also like
to make the server list more machine readable (perhaps as
json/xml/csv/yml). This would be an interim step until the geospatial
discovery mechanism is resolved.
Post by Kam Lasater
I've been away on summer holiday at least :)
I believe that Phil Ashlock has edit permissions on the wiki.
On discovery I thought we had a standard. Probably could use some work but
thought it was standard.
Hope that helps.
-Kam Lasater
203-752-0777 (office)
http://SeeClickFix.com <http://seeclickfix.com/> - User Focused Government
- Check it out and report an issue in your neighborhood. Power to the
Post by Rajaniemi Jaakko
It may be the holiday season because of no one has answered to your mail yet :)
I also think that wiki should be the central place. I don't who can edit
the wiki but it needs clean up. I could also do some editing, for example
https://participation.citysdk.lamia-city.gr/rest )
GeoReport v2 is the latest stable release. There has been some talks to
developed new version but so far it has not started. I don't know the
status of inquiry API.
There has been a lot discussion on discovery but no conclusion or
standard. Some app developers have their own discovery apis. And as you
mentioned CitySDK, they also have developed one.
Anyway, good to hear that you are interested in implementing Open311 API.
Let us know if you need any help.
Regards from Helsinki, Jaakko
-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Puolesta Matthias Meisser
Lähetetty: 12. elokuuta 2014 11:09
Aihe: [Open311 Discuss] Wiki outdated?
Hi there,
this is Matthias, I work at the local municipal at the city of Rostock
(North Germany) and we consider to implement Open311/CitySDK to our
participatory platform www.klarschiff-hro.de
While I'm checking the wiki and informations out there, I got the
impression that the articles, links etc. are very outdated and so maybe
there are new specs out there?
- Should the wiki become the central place for information about API etc? (IMHO: yes)
- Can I help to cleanup the wiki?
- Are GeoReport v2 and Inquiry v1 the latest stable APIs specs?
- Is there currently an approach to find the corresponding API endpoint
for a location? So mobile Apps can tune theirself and detect the right
endpoint for their current position? I guess similar like a Web Catalogue
Service for classic GIS?
AFAIK the currend service discovery doesn't include that aspect already?
regards from Germany,
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Matthias Meißer
2014-08-25 08:44:48 UTC
HI everybody,

thanks for the feedback.

Personally I can't say anything if git pages are a better choice than
wiki. That might be right, if you create stuff that have strong
references to repo content etc. but personally I don't see any pros to
spend to much energy on the backend. So IMHO it's more about to improve
the content than to improve the tools itself ;-)

As I said, I would like to help, so if anybody would grant me edit
rights and a short introduction about plans/ideas/history of the
wiki/communication. Then I would do my best. I already have some
experience in Wiki cleanup at osm.org , navit-project.org, fossgis.de,
on-i.de, ... Mediawiki instances ranging from XXL ... small ones.
Personally I like the easy way to realize things in a very dynamical
matter while still give it some structures. So I would miss templates,
categories, ... if we switch to git. I also like the cooperational
aspects of (live) wiki editing, but anyway, I'm not tied to a single
tool ;-)

If discovery is a hot topic I guess we should discuss it seperately in
a dedicated thread. I guess I will have a look on how CitySDK implements

05:34 in
Post by Philip Ashlock
Sorry for the slow response. Yes, I can confirm again that the wiki should
be the canonical central place for the spec. GeoReport v2 is the latest
stable spec for service requests, but Inquiry v1 is still more of a
proposal. Unfortunately I had to disable new user accounts on the wiki
because we were losing the battle against spam. I'm planning to migrate the
management of the wiki over to github, but the URLs for the spec and the
wiki will always remain consistent regardless of the backend system. Until
we can edit everything via github, you can just ask me to make the edit or
submit an issue to https://github.com/open311/wiki.open311.org/issues
You're correct that there is a spec for service discovery (
http://wiki.open311.org/Service_Discovery) but unfortunately we've yet to
provide a full spec or system for making that available via
Post by Philip Ashlock
queries. There have been a few proposals and proof of concepts (e.g.
http://wiki.open311.org/GeoWeb_DNS) but nothing has been finalized yet. Do
you know of any related initiatives where this would be applicable in
Europe? I've been discussing it a bit in the U.S. where there's some
related work being developed for emergency services.
I added Gießen and Lisboa to the servers list, but I didn't see a discovery
file for Lamia. I can add it anyway, but it would be nice to have a
discovery file to list as well. Zaragoza looks like the same case. I'll
work on adding a new column for documentation associated with
Post by Philip Ashlock
since there's only so much included in the discovery files. I'd also like
to make the server list more machine readable (perhaps as
json/xml/csv/yml). This would be an interim step until the
Post by Philip Ashlock
discovery mechanism is resolved.
Post by Kam Lasater
I've been away on summer holiday at least :)
I believe that Phil Ashlock has edit permissions on the wiki.
On discovery I thought we had a standard. Probably could use some work but
thought it was standard.
Hope that helps.
-Kam Lasater
203-752-0777 (office)
http://SeeClickFix.com <http://seeclickfix.com/> - User Focused Government
- Check it out and report an issue in your neighborhood. Power to the
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 4:28 AM, Rajaniemi Jaakko
Post by Rajaniemi Jaakko
It may be the holiday season because of no one has answered to
your mail
Post by Philip Ashlock
Post by Kam Lasater
Post by Rajaniemi Jaakko
yet :)
I also think that wiki should be the central place. I don't who can edit
the wiki but it needs clean up. I could also do some editing, for example
https://participation.citysdk.lamia-city.gr/rest )
GeoReport v2 is the latest stable release. There has been some talks to
developed new version but so far it has not started. I don't know the
status of inquiry API.
There has been a lot discussion on discovery but no conclusion or
standard. Some app developers have their own discovery apis. And as you
mentioned CitySDK, they also have developed one.
Anyway, good to hear that you are interested in implementing Open311 API.
Let us know if you need any help.
Regards from Helsinki, Jaakko
-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Puolesta Matthias Meisser
Lähetetty: 12. elokuuta 2014 11:09
Aihe: [Open311 Discuss] Wiki outdated?
Hi there,
this is Matthias, I work at the local municipal at the city of Rostock
(North Germany) and we consider to implement Open311/CitySDK to our
participatory platform www.klarschiff-hro.de
While I'm checking the wiki and informations out there, I got the
impression that the articles, links etc. are very outdated and so maybe
there are new specs out there?
- Should the wiki become the central place for information about
API etc?
Post by Philip Ashlock
Post by Kam Lasater
Post by Rajaniemi Jaakko
(IMHO: yes)
- Can I help to cleanup the wiki?
- Are GeoReport v2 and Inquiry v1 the latest stable APIs specs?
- Is there currently an approach to find the corresponding API endpoint
for a location? So mobile Apps can tune theirself and detect the right
endpoint for their current position? I guess similar like a Web Catalogue
Service for classic GIS?
AFAIK the currend service discovery doesn't include that aspect already?
regards from Germany,
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Post by Philip Ashlock
Post by Kam Lasater
Post by Rajaniemi Jaakko
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Post by Philip Ashlock
Post by Kam Lasater
Post by Rajaniemi Jaakko
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