311 data challenge
Stéphane Guidoin
2013-09-14 17:40:44 UTC
Loosely related with open311 but probably of interest with the people on
the mailing list:

Kaggle, SeeClickFix and David Eaves announced a data challenge around 311
data. Curious to see what it will give!


Kam Lasater
2013-09-16 22:56:57 UTC
Thanks for the post Stephane.

Some of the data is actually sourced from pulling Open311 issues into the
SCF platform. So yes, very much on topic.

If anyone has questions feel free to contact me directly. Hope to see some
of the Open311 community participate.

-Kam Lasater
+1-203-752-0777 (office)
@seekayel | @seeclickfix

http://SeeClickFix.com - User Focused Government - Report issues in the
public space, Advocate for resolution, Track the status of fixes, Connect
with neighbors.

SeeClickFix: Open311 compliant endpoint and client - We work anywhere and
everywhere http://seeclickfix.com/open311
Post by Stéphane Guidoin
Loosely related with open311 but probably of interest with the people on
Kaggle, SeeClickFix and David Eaves announced a data challenge around 311
data. Curious to see what it will give!
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Ben Sheldon
2013-09-16 23:06:23 UTC
I'm eagerly awaiting the actual details of the challenge. Is this
functioning similarly to the Netflix challenges:

- a large amount of training data will be released that includes issues and
the number of comments, views, etc. on it for people to train their
algorithms against
- a separate set of challenge data (without publicly released
comments/views/counts etc.) will then be run through the algorithms and
their predicted comments/views/etc. will be compared to the actual
(unreleased) comments/views/etc. and a winner will be chosen based on the
accuracy of their prediction

That seem about right?

Post by Kam Lasater
Thanks for the post Stephane.
Some of the data is actually sourced from pulling Open311 issues into the
SCF platform. So yes, very much on topic.
If anyone has questions feel free to contact me directly. Hope to see some
of the Open311 community participate.
-Kam Lasater
+1-203-752-0777 (office)
@seekayel | @seeclickfix
http://SeeClickFix.com - User Focused Government - Report issues in the
public space, Advocate for resolution, Track the status of fixes, Connect
with neighbors.
SeeClickFix: Open311 compliant endpoint and client - We work anywhere and
everywhere http://seeclickfix.com/open311
Post by Stéphane Guidoin
Loosely related with open311 but probably of interest with the people on
Kaggle, SeeClickFix and David Eaves announced a data challenge around 311
data. Curious to see what it will give!
Post by Stéphane Guidoin
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To leave Open311 Discuss, email
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Ben Sheldon
2012 Fellow @ Code for America
2013-09-20 12:33:14 UTC

This sounds very interesting. It says that data is from 4 cities. Just wondering is there any way how other cities could be involved?

We could try to produce similar datasets and activate local developers.

Best Regards, Jaakko
City of Helsinki
Stéphane Guidoin
2013-09-20 13:33:32 UTC
The details of the project will come later but my feeling is that the
developments will be based on those 4 datasets... But hopefully the
outcomes of these will be applicable to other sources of data
Post by jaakko.rajaniemi
This sounds very interesting. It says that data is from 4 cities. Just
wondering is there any way how other cities could be involved?
We could try to produce similar datasets and activate local developers.
Best Regards, Jaakko
City of Helsinki
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Kam Lasater
2013-09-20 18:00:50 UTC
Open311 Peeps,

Sorry for the delay,we were sorting out a few last items before posting. In
general the competition will run in two parts. The first is a 24 hr
hackathon at a Microsoft space in SF on Friday 9/27. This also kicks off a
two month kaggle data competition.

The data is encrypted right now and can only be accessed once the key is
given out which will happen that friday.

Here are the full rules:

Hope everyone will get a chance to play with the data.

Happy Hacking!

-Kam Lasater
+1-203-752-0777 (office)
+1-412-414-7537 (cell)
@seekayel | @seeclickfix

http://SeeClickFix.com - User Focused Government - Report issues in the
public space, Advocate for resolution, Track the status of fixes, Connect
with neighbors.

SeeClickFix: Open311 compliant endpoint and client - We work anywhere and
everywhere http://seeclickfix.com/open311
Post by Stéphane Guidoin
The details of the project will come later but my feeling is that the
developments will be based on those 4 datasets... But hopefully the
outcomes of these will be applicable to other sources of data
Post by jaakko.rajaniemi
This sounds very interesting. It says that data is from 4 cities. Just
wondering is there any way how other cities could be involved?
We could try to produce similar datasets and activate local developers.
Best Regards, Jaakko
City of Helsinki
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To leave Open311 Discuss, email
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