Apply Now for the Mayor's Innovation Fellows Program
San Francisco Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation
2013-04-24 20:01:51 UTC
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p. The Mayor’s Office of Civic Innovation <http://innovatesf.com> and  City Hall Fellows <http://www.cityhallfellows.org/about/>  are now accepting applications for the Mayor’s Innovation Fellows Program <http://innovatesf.com/mayors-innovation-fellowship/>.

Mayor's Innovation Fellows come from a variety of backgrounds but share several common characteristics:

- Experience working across sectors, with multiple stakeholders
- Passion and propensity for innovation
- Impeccable communication and presentation skills
- Unshakable belief in the power of technology
The Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation will host three Mayor’s Innovation Fellows for twelve-month terms beginning approximately August 1st, 2013.

Fellows will be matched based on their interests and skills with one of impact areas: Open Data, Civic Engagement, Economic Development, and/or Technology Policy. 

To apply, please visit  innovatesf.com <http://innovatesf.com/innovationfellows/>  - Applications should be submitted by Tuesday, May 30th, 2013

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Other Notable Announcements:

- p. Read our recently-released report,  A Start-up Called Government <http://innovatesf.com/2012retrospective/> , looking back at some of the innovations and partnerships catalyzed in 2012
- p. Join Mayor Ed Lee next Thursday, May 2nd, 11:30-12:30, for an Online Town Hall <http://innovatesf.com/budget/> to discuss upcoming budget priorities. You can submit questions in advance to Innovation-***@public.gmane.org - You can also learn more about the Budget Town Halls on the Mayor's Website <http://www.sfmayor.org/index.aspx?recordid=285&page=846>  and check out the City's new transparency portal at http://openbook.sfgov.org <http://openbook.sfgov.org>  to view City spending and monitor the City's economic health
San Francisco Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation
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